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Make the most of your stay

Since 1967, Sitters has been providing experienced babysitters to parents on holiday across the UK - from grand city hotels to B&Bs tucked away in the hills.

Whether you want to indulge in a spa treatment, evening dinner or simply enjoy some well-deserved child-free time, we can deliver award-winning childcare to your hotel room door.

And if you have a wedding or celebration, we can provide daytime babysitters to look after your little ones while you relax and enjoy the day.

hotel babysitting

Childcare professionals

  • All Sitters babysitters have worked with children on a daily basis in professional childcare roles (such as childminders, nursery nurses, nannies, teachers, midwives, paediatric nurses and teaching assistants).
  • When you book with Sitters, you’ll get only the very best childcare professionals for your family.
  • From newborns to teens, we'll match your family with experienced babysitters local to you.
hotel babysitters

We do all the work for you

With easy online booking we can have a childcare professional at your hotel room door in as little as 90 minutes

We'll find you a sitter from our trusted, local network of approved childminders and babysitters

Competitive rates are per hour, not per child and 3 months' membership costs just £17.99

Loved and trusted by families nationwide on millions of occasions since 1967

"They were absolutely fantastic"

Mum Charlotte explains how, with a little help from Sitters hotel babysitting, she could relax knowing her son Billy was in safe hands

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Families love Sitters babysitting

"We were quite nervous as it was our first time using a sitter and we were in a hotel away from home. But we needn't have worried - Margaret was lovely, immediately put us at ease and sent us a text half way through the evening to let us know all was ok. We'd definitely love to book her again!"

Mrs Thompson, London

"We've been on holiday in the UK for a month and have been so impressed by each and every sitter. We had heard fantastic recommendations and we weren't disappointed. Thank you for making it possible for us to have some grown up time while on holiday!"

Mrs Kretschmer, Australia

"Denise came to look after my 10 month old son two nights in a row at a hotel whilst we were at a family wedding. She was absolutely fantastic, a natural with children and I could tell straight away that our son was in safe hands. Denise sent me updates to let me know he had gone to sleep on time so I could totally relax. A massive thank you from us!"

Mrs Woodhall, London

"Antoinette was genuinely fantastic! She accepted our booking super early which gave us peace of mind ahead of my brother's wedding and then when she turned up she was straight in, helping us bath my son. We had every confidence leaving our boy with her and would happily book her again."

Ms Riches, Gloucestershire

"We left our son with Hetty for two nights while staying in a hotel. She immediately put us at ease - she was warm, friendly and great with our three year old. She was very communicative - asked us what we wanted in terms of updates and kept us informed by text throughout both evenings. Hetty also brought some of her own children's games with her for our son to play with, a really thoughtful touch."

Mrs Needham, Oxfordshire

"Very positive first experience of Sitters. Used the wonderful Alison whilst away at a wedding. The children loved her. I've never had anyone I don't know look after my 2 & 4 year old children & Alison made everything look easy. She even managed to brush the 2 year olds teeth who normally runs a mile for us!!"

Mrs Lyons-White, London

Childcare with confidence

Sitters babysitters must have at least two years' recent, professional childcare experience

Every babysitter is personally checked and carefully interviewed by one of our skilled recruitment team

We undertake thorough background and identity checks

Sitters babysitters love what they do

"I have been working with Sitters for 17 years now and over that time I have met many lovely families. The Sitters service is professional, fast and reliable and I love the fact you can receive feedback from families. The application process is thorough so families can be assured their children will receive the best of care."

Pauline S, Edinburgh

"I've worked with children for over 30 years. Sitters is perfect for me, it gives me flexibility, the team are always available to help and the families are lovely."

Susan P, London SE5

"I've had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of wonderful children and their families through Sitters. I love engaging with children, getting down to their eye level and producing my bag of toys to help dilute any anxious feelings and give them something fun to focus on."

Sarah C, Bournemouth, BH6

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