Our offices will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day but our Customer Service team will be available again on 30th December. We wish you a wonderful Christmas.
Sitters babysitters are recruited from childcare and other caring professions and have at least 2 years' professional childcare experience.
Our childcarers may be OFSTED Registered Childminders, qualified Nannies or Nursery Nurses, as well as Primary School Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Paediatric Nurses, or some other childcare profession. A typical Sitters approved childcarer is 38 years old and has their own family.
When selecting suitable babysitters we employ a 4 stage process of detailed application, information gathering and verification, thorough reference checking, and personal interviews.
We look for knowledgeable childcarers who can demonstrate a long-term commitment to childcare and babysitting.
Find local approved sitters near you
All have completed a detailed application form
All have passed an interview with a member of our experienced recruitment team
All have at least 2 years' professional childcare experience
All have provided at least two childcare employment references which are checked and verified in person
We collect Photo ID and proof of address for every childcarer
We obtain copies of DBS certificates and childcare qualifications
All agree to Sitters' Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions
All are issued with a Sitters ID Card
“Having been an active babysitter with Sitters for over 10 years I have watched the company grow. I have met many wonderful and friendly families over the years and watched them grow too! I love the fact that you can invite families to leave feedback - we all need to know we are appreciated.” Pauline S, Edinburgh EH13
“I have worked with children and families for over 30 years in many different settings and have worked for Sitters for over 10 years. The staff team are always available to help and the website is easy to manage. The families are lovely and I really enjoy providing a positive experience for them." Susan P, London SE5
“Joining Sitters was the best thing I have ever done! I have met so many lovely families whilst doing this, and I can honestly say that 99.9% of families are friendly and welcoming and I love that my name changes at every sitting..."shoe" "soon" "soup"... occasionally I get "Sue"!! Brilliant!” Sue V, London HA7
“Having spent all my working life as a paediatric nurse, I really love working with children. I sit regularly for many families, and love being a small part of the children’s journey to adulthood. Sitters is a professional and supportive organisation, and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone.“ Carole T, Newbury RG2